How did the PARO DESIGN brand come about?

It all started with my training as a tool mechanic. I got to know and love the craftsmanship and the passion for precision. Making objects with my own hands and creating unique pieces inspired me.

My love for design motivated me to study architecture after my training. Afterwards I worked as a employed architect. In 2022 I became self-employed and founded PARO ARCHITECTURE . Since then I have worked as a freelance architect and carry out new construction, conversion and renovation projects in Stuttgart and the surrounding area.

But back to PARO DESIGN. Like any talented craftsman and architect, I have an eye for beautiful things and details. For aesthetics and precision. I live this passion with my fashion and furniture brand from Stuttgart. PARO DESIGN stands for special pieces of furniture and unique fashion.

designed&made in Stuttgart


  • unique fashion

    With PARO DESIGN unique fashion I make a statement against the fast fashion industry. So the mass production of clothing, much of which ends up as landfill and is manufactured under catastrophic conditions. PARO DESIGN unique fashion stands for fairly produced fashion, unique pieces and a transparent manufacturing process. I only use organic cotton as the material.

  • unique furniture

    PARO DESIGN unique furniture stands for high-quality designer furniture of the best quality - and not just in the finished product.

    I usually rely on the exciting combination of steel and wood - this makes my furniture unique and shapes the style of PARO DESIGN. All products from this label are designed and produced in Stuttgart. And because sustainability is important to me not only personally but also professionally, I rely on upcycling for each of my pieces - i.e. the transformation of supposedly useless materials into new products

  • soyez unique

    Soyez Unique - with PARO DESIGN

    French lifestyle paired with industrial design. Is that possible? Short answer: yes. Thanks to PARO DESIGN.

    With the fashion and furniture brand from Stuttgart, I bring unique designs to the market that do justice to my passion for high-quality furniture and sustainable fashion.

    The design: simple and yet special.

    Everything doesn't always have to be higher, faster, further. It's about focusing on what's important in life. And that is exactly what PARO DESIGN stands for.